Sunday 23 October 2016

Elephant Feet disease (filariasis or elephantiasis)

Elephant Feet disease (filariasis or elephantiasis)

Elephant Feet disease (filariasis or elephantiasis) is a group of communicable diseases caused by Filaria worms that are transmitted through various types of mosquitoes. After being bitten by mosquitoes, parasites (larvae) will spread and when it comes to network systems evolved into lympa the disease.
This disease is chronic (chronic) and if not receiving treatment, can cause permanent disability in the form of enlarged legs, arms and genitals both women and men. Elephant Foot disease is not a deadly disease, however, for the patient may be something that feels shameful even to interfere with daily activities. 

Elephant Feet disease generally found in many tropical regions. According to information from WHO, the order states that there are people develop the disease elephantiasis is South Asia (India and Bangladesh), Africa, the Pacific and the Americas. Recently many states also occur in Thailand and Indonesia (Southeast Asia).

Transmission Elephant Foot Disease

The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes which suck the blood of someone who had been infected previously. Infected blood and contain larvae and would be transmitted to someone else at the time the infected mosquitoes bite or suck the blood of these people.

Not like malaria and dengue fever, filariasis transmitted by mosquitoes from 23 species of the genus Anopheles, Culex, Mansonia, Aedes & Armigeres. Because of this, filariasis can be transmitted very quickly.

Signs and Symptoms of Elephant Foot Disease

A person infected with the disease elephantiasis usually occurs at the age of childhood, which in a long time (many years) began to be felt progress.

The acute symptoms that may occur include:

-Fever over and over again for 3-5 days, fever may be lost if the break and came back after working hard

-Swollen lymph nodes (with no injuries) groin area, armpits (lymphadenitis), which appear red, hot and sick

-Inflammation of lymph channels that feels hot and pain radiating from the base of the foot or the base of the arm towards the end (retrograde lymphangitis)

Filarial abscesses often suffer from swollen lymph nodes, may rupture and ooze pus and blood

-Enlarged legs, arms, breasts, testicles are looking a little flushed and feels hot (early lymphodema)

-While chronic symptoms of the disease elephantiasis is a permanent enlargement (elephantiasis) in the legs, arms, breasts, testicles (skroti elephantiasis).

Check Elephant Foot Disease Diagnostic

Elephant foot disease is usually detected through microscopic examination of blood, So far it is still considered difficult because microfilaria just come and show themselves in the blood at night for several hours (nocturnal periodicity).

In addition, various methods are also carried out tests to diagnose the disease elephantiasis. Among them is the system known as membrane Penjaringan, Knott concentration method and the sedimentation technique.

Method closer examination towards diagnosis and recognized by the WHO is the way the examination system "test card", This is very simple and sensitive to detect the spread of the parasite (larvae). Namely by taking a sample of blood droplets finger prick system at a time when anytime, not necessarily at night.

Handling and Elephant Foot Disease Treatment

The main goal of early treatment of disease elephantiasis is eliminating parasites or larvae which developed in the patient's body, so the transmission can be suppressed and reduced.

Dietilkarbamasin (diethylcarbamazine (DEC)) is the only drug that works well filariasis for both malayi filariasis bancrofti, is makrofilarisidal and mikrofilarisidal. These drugs are classified as cheap, safe and no drug resistance. Patients who received this drug therapy may be a reaction of systemic and local side which is temporary and easily treated with symptomatic medication.

Dietilkarbamasin not be used for khemoprofilaksis. Treatment was given orally after dinner, is absorbed rapidly, reaching peak concentration in the blood within 3 hours, and excreted through urine. Dietilkarbamasin not diberikanpada children younger than 2 years, pregnant / lactating, and people with severe illness or
in a position of weakness.

But in the case of the elephant foot disease severe enough (already growing) for not detected early, in addition to providing medicine would require further steps such as surgery.

Elephant Foot Disease Prevention

For elephant disease awareness is expected to check medicine and get medical treatment so as not to disseminate obtan transmission to other communities. For this reason there is need for education and the introduction of disease to patients and residents around.

Eradication of mosquitoes each region is essential to break the chain of transmission of this disease. Maintain a healthy environment is paramount to prevent the development of mosquitoes in the region.

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