Monday 26 September 2016

Horoscope for Tuesday 27th September 2016

Horoscope for Tuesday 27th September 2016

Are you curious to know what today has in store for you? Jessica Adams' free daily horoscope will help you to plan your Tuesday.


March 21 - April 19
You now find yourself with the right person (or people) at the right time, in the right place - all in the name of taking a partnership further. You can do more, and enjoy more, than was possible even this time last year. In fact, this could be the start of something which becomes a reliable and regular part of your life. If an exit is the only way out of a bad double-act, though, the sign is flashing.


April 20 - May 20
It is characteristic of the fortunate, optimistic Jupiter cycle that in the space of a few months you have been shown the ideal person, organisation or situation to help your working day. Actually, this could be a great deal bigger and better than first appears. Having experimented with one possibility in your chosen field, profession or industry - you should now be able to move it forward. And up.


May 21 - June 20
You may want to take another long and leisurely look at just how many useful cards you have in your hand, where parenthood is concerned. This also applies to godchildren or younger relatives - and any paid or unpaid work which involves much younger faces. it would appear that you have been thrown a really dazzling Ace to play. Actually, there will be more. For now, keep playing the game.


June 21 - July 22
You can do so much more with the raw materials than you suppose and it will make a lasting, wonderful difference to where you live, how you live - and the people to whom you belong. This goes beyond mere questions of accommodation, environment, property or family into deeper issues about your sense of being at home in the world. You already have quite a lot to use - now take it further.


July 23 - August 22
Over the last few months you have come across a person, organisation or set-up which is an enormous blessing and as it has come easily and quickly you may even have overlooked the importance of this turning point to your life on the web. Through developing what/who is now there, you could also expand your method of communicating with the world, beyond digital into other areas too.


August 23 - September 22
One of the tricks with this new Jupiter cycle in your house of money, is to accept that other people and organisations know a great deal more about making cash, or saving it, than you do. Know when to accept suggestions gratefully and when to allow others to pursue what they do best. You are sitting on something which could grow here, and be quite lucrative - although it's early days yet.


September 23 - October 22
You always needed the people, the timing, the resources or the tools - yet they were never there. Now they are in front of you at last and it should be easy and even genuinely enjoyable to relaunch your name or face. Look at what you have been blessed with in the last few months (or rediscovered) and you will see that it is time to put other priorities aside and focus on You, You, You.


October 23 - November 21
If you sit down and look more deeply and carefully at who/what has been popping up in recent weeks, you will see that you are in a stunning position to attend to more private, mysterious or secret matters. There really is a connection between particular people, organisations or situations and you could join the dots in quite a successful way, once you realise what you have to gain.


November 22 - December 21
Ever since Jupiter entered Libra on 10th September you have been gradually gathering an increasing number of intriguing new people, friends, opportunities and circles-within-circles towards you. Everything and everybody is connected, even through six degrees and part of your new wave of social life change will come from understanding why A can help B, and onwards.


December 22 - January 19
You have been given some very useful contacts, connections and options over the last three weeks which are still so new, that you may not have woken up to the fact that one thing can lead (rather usefully) to another. It's all in the name of your own success, of course, but it may need you to sit down and peruse the landscape, so that you can see how everything can be embraced as a whole.


January 20 - February 18
There is really no question that the worldwide web is the mechanism that helps you spin everything between now and 2017. You have already been shown what is possible, even if you do have to operate in a different time one to do it, or use a translator. There is more to come which will please you enormously over the next 12 months but for now, line up all your ducks in a row and use them.


February 19 - March 20
There is a common thread - a silver or gold thread of rich possibility - connecting various financial, property, retail, business or charity possibilities which have been woven into your life since 10th September. This glittering piece of embroidery requires you to pull all the threads together into a cohesive pattern. Look again and you will see that what/who appears to be disconnected, is not at all.

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