Wednesday 25 May 2016

Horoscope for Thursday 26th May 2016

Horoscope for Thursday 26th May 2016

Curious to know what sort of day you're going to have today? Your free horoscope will help you to plan your day, each and every day.


March 21 - April 19
Some really interesting questions about who/what controls who/what surfaced recently with your job, degree, unpaid work or full-time parenting role. Are you power-tripping others if you put your foot down? Maybe you're just rebalancing the balance of power!


April 20 - May 20
Things are coming to a head when you consider who/what holds the reins at the moment, especially with regional or international connections, trips away, education, books, websites and so on. One issue is rather enormously overdue.


May 21 - June 20
So much depends on how you tackle the issue of cash, business, investment, rent, mortgages, leases, possessions, charity and so on. There is the sledgehammer approach, and there is the 'read hearts and minds' approach. I don't even need to tell you which one is smarter, right?


June 21 - July 22
You could really deliver the most enormous wedgie to the man (or woman) in question, but try to be a realist about the future. It's much more sensible (though less satisfying) to 'do unto others' no matter if the issue is past, present or potential lover - or war!


July 23 - August 22
Things are really heating up when you consider who/what controls your workload, body, lifestyle and the rest. You need to remember how much 'hand' you actually have and yet also to be sensible about the way you use it.


August 23 - September 22
The phrase 'heavy-handed' is so typical of the Pluto transit through your Capricorn house, which describes babies, children, teenagers or lovers. Perhaps you have been heavy-handed. Perhaps you haven't. Time to judge, weigh and figure out a strategy.


September 23 - October 22
Your house, apartment, family, household, town and/or country has made you ultra sensitive to questions about control power and empowerment. Now you can reshape things, with more time and space to spare. Do you need to backtrack?


October 23 - November 21
The internet, multimedia, publishing, languages, education and communication of all kinds is ruled by Capricorn in your chart. Current activity in that sign suggests the need to really think over what you did, and consider what you're going to do next.


November 22 - December 21
Trust Pluto to deliver a wallop, and last week showed you what happens if you either let others walk all over you, for too long - or over-react when you realise just how powerful you actually are. Now comes the time for strategy. This goes way beyond the actual cash, house, business, possessions, apartment or charity.


December 22 - January 19
Pluto in Capricorn has shown you the core issues about the way you are seen and appear. They are about control as much as anything else, and perhaps the misuse of power by others. They had the reins and didn't hold them correctly. Now, over to you for a more considered reaction.


January 20 - February 18
If you have been unconsciously power-tripping others and putting them in a situation where you control their destiny, yet don't acknowledge that - then Pluto may well have pulled the rug last week. Perhaps the rug is still being pulled. Some kind of practical response is a smart idea.


February 19 - March 20
What friends and groups taught you last week was that you do have power and you need to use it. Actually, sometimes Pluto makes the situation so obviously dire, that you have to stick your hand up and acknowledge that you're in a powerful position. Softly, softly, though. This requires strategy.

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